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We are looking for Heavy Soda Ash NA2CO3 99% Min

I am looking for manufacturers/suppliers of SODA ASH. Please inform me of reputable suppliers for the same.

Our company is intersted in buying soda ash.

we specialized in Detergent and cosmetic raw materials they are main business beside chemicals in other branches if we take competitive price with good Quality we will import from your company . please give us best offer for below chemicals we need to import them Chemical Raw Materials HSC /Cas Notice Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulphate (SLES 70%) Tri Ethanol Amine ( TEA) White petroleum jelly Cocomide propyl betaine 30% to 35% Glycerin Methyl hydroxy ethyl cellulose Paraffin Heavy P

We are company from Ukraine,which is interested in buying chemical products, namely soda ash. Would like to buy from Turkish manufacturers constantly and in big amounts.

Currently, we are looking for the Soda Ash for the production of the Sodium Silicate in India. Our Monthly requirement is 1000 mt however it can be increase to 10000 MT soon. Please kindly advise your detail offer CIF Kandla Port/Nhava Seva and Chennai Indian Ports along with specification. Please let us know the quantity available. However,trial order would be 500mt.

we are in the market for procuring Dense Soda Ash. our monthly requirment is of 2500-3000 MT. And we only deal with the manufacturer. the companies who are really interested in doing long term business they can contact us. please give your best FOB prices.

Need Manufacturer's contact detail

I am a consultant for a large company looking for 60,000 up to 150,000 MT of Pyrite ash pellets on a monthly basis

We are looking at quality manufacturer/supplier of Soda Ash- Dense and light,who can ensure regular supply. Our initial requirement will be 500 tons/month,which will gradually grow to bigger volumes. While searching for suppliers through net and with our contacts,we came across your esteemed organization.You are requested to let us know your terms and conditions alongwith Rates. We will need rates CIF Kandla or Mundra. Once we receive details from your end,then we will request for samples. Tru

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