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We sell fabrics of all kinds (chiffon, cotton, silk, crepe, brocade, lace, denim, damask, organza, organdy, Chantilly, etc) and we are in need of suppliers or manufacturers from Turkey

I am looking for chiffon fabrics. And I want see if I can get some samples?

I want chiffon print Mum factor in Turkey Istanbul I have But can you tell me the postcode please and how is the minimum order by meter? as fabric

I am looking for fabric manufacturers Tlija fabrics -jahara fabrics -Chiffon - silk crepe -plain fabrics -clothing fabrics (for veil, Jalaba, etc…) But above all Tlija fabrics and jawara fabrics I am looking for wholesalers thank you

We are currently seeking high-quality veil suppliers and came across your company through TurkishExporter. We would be delighted to explore your products and assess their suitability for our brand. Would it be possible to receive a catalog or a list of your available products, particularly jerseys, chiffons, and pamuk veils? These materials are of interest to us for our initial requirements.

i'm looking for a retailer for my new online hijab business. I'm looking for different kinds of hijabs but not the square ones. Do you have something with flowers or jersey, chiffon fabric? Can you send me your catalog?

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