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I would like to mention that we are also interested in outdoor design products (garden) such as children's playgrounds, artificial turf, barbecue, sunbeds, umbrellas, etc.

Want Volvo penta Gen set with cabinet adb and alternator

I am looking a supplier who can manage to support us on generator spares parts different brands

I'm looking please for mahle parts for volvo generators for all type and size for TAD volvo please

I am trained in the field of procurement to asses’ entities that do supply to both private and public institutions. I take this opportunity to connect you to the Government of Kenya for an opportunity to do business/supply; Contracts that are largely capital intensive and mostly given through direct procurement process to international companies and largely that have capacities. I would like to invite you for a more engaging conversation for a detailed plan for the same and connect you to the right channels within and outside government of Kenya.

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