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We aim to assist you in all types of transportation for your imports and exports from everywhere. With our partner, Jas, operating in more than 83 countries with over 110 offices and an experienced team, we can provide consultancy services to meet all your logistics needs, ensuring swift communication and organization. For further details, please feel free to contact me anytime using the phone number and email address provided in my signature.

we do import/export, customs clearance, storage and transportation operations in Belgium, especially in the Liege region. If you have the idea of exporting to/from Belgium, you can contact us.

Almanya,Hollanda,Belçika ve Avusturya’ya ihracat, ithalat ve Ortadoğuya Transit haftalık parsiyel çıkışlarımız yanında, bütün Avrupa,Balkanlara, Orta Asya ve Orta Doğu‘ya komple veya parsiyel (Grupaj) standart Özmal Tır larımız ile hizmet vermekteyiz.  Uçak kargoyu mu kaçırdınız merak etmeyin biz varız  Minivan ekspres servisimiz ile Türkiye Avrupa/ Avrupa- Türkiye hattında 24- 48 saatte garantili teslimat olanağı sağlamaktayız.  Denizyolu taşımacılığı için Izmir’de şubemiz bulunmaktadır

Dış ticarette istediğiniz ürünü araştırıp tedarik edebilecek uluslararası bir ekibimiz var. Lojistik ve dış ticaret konusundaki uzmanlığımız sayesinde sizlere iyi bir hizmet sunabiliyoruz.

We work in the field of foreign trade and maritime (container, partial cargo, bulk cargo, LPG / LNG, project cargo). We have an international team that can research and supply the product you want in foreign trade. We can offer you a good service thanks to our expertise in logistics and foreign trade.

We can offer logistics services as a complete package for your export, import, product purchasing and sales on a sectoral basis.

İSTANBUL'dan Gebze depomuzdan Cuma günleri minivan araçlarımız çıkış yapmaktadır.

İSTANBUL'dan Gebze depomuzdan Cuma günleri minivan araçlarımız çıkış yapmaktadır.

As a leading logistics provider, ****** Logistics is a trusted partner for international express delivery services. Our international express services offer fixed weekly schedules at very affordable rates, saving time for enterprises big and small.

As a leading logistics provider, ****** Logistics is a trusted partner for international express delivery services. Our international express services offer fixed weekly schedules at very affordable rates, saving time for enterprises big and small.

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