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Qatar Services Exporter Companies

Qatar Services Exporter Companies and Export Offers Listing

You are viewing Selling Post posts at Services category from Qatar

Hi, we are a contractor company looking for an opportunity to work with manufacturers specialized in the exterior insulation finish system (EIFS). The material required is: 1-Base coat. 2-finish coat. (normal or decorative finish). 3. Wet and dry application.

Freight Forwarding Customs clearance Logistics support Wearhouse management Debris clearance State-of-the-art facility to serve a Stop Shop for all logistic needs. We provide above services

We are a logistics company looking forward to work with some reputed companies permanent as a solid suppliers

i am a logistics company looking for a export company to doha to get business

My name is Nihan. I`ve been working in markets like Abu Dhabi, Oman, Dubai and Qatar for the past 4 years now and currently living in Qatar for over a year - all with the British company I`m working for. I have meetings with CEO level of senior executives from around 16 different sectors (public and private companies).

Ismim Nihan. Ingiliz bir sirket icin calisiyorum ve simdiye kadar Abu Dhabi, Umman, Dubai ve Katar olmak uzere 4 farkli Orta Dogu sehrinde yasadim. Isim geregi, 16 degisik sektorden (hem kamu hem ozel sektorden) , CEO duzeyindeki yuksek duzey yoneticilerle toplantilar yapmaktayim.

Ingiliz bir sirkette calisiyorum ve simdiye kadar Abu Dhabi, Umman, Dubai ve Katar olmak uzere 4 farkli Orta Dogu ulkesinde yasadim. Isim geregi, 16 degisik sektorden (hem kamu hem ozel sektorden) , CEO duzeyindeki yuksek duzey yoneticilerle toplantilar yapmaktayim. Ozellikle Birlesik Arap Emirlikleri, Katar gibi hizla gelismekte olan ulkelerle; Turkiye arasinda cok buyuk firsatlar oldugunu dusunuyorum. Su an bir seneyi askin suredir Katar`dayim. Isinizi/ihracatinizi bu bolgeye genisletmek istiy

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